Tuesday, 29 March 2016

I Missed Alot!

Ok so as you might or might not know, I have been out of the Scene for about 6 years, apart from watching a motoring program or two and playing Need for Speed. Well the time for me has come to get back into the game. The only difference, i am no longer doing street racing. It is cool but it is dangerous not only for yourself but the onlookers and sometime the innocent, you never know when something can go wrong.

So it seems I really missed a lot, there has been so much changes in the whole racing scene and many racers has left and new racers appeared. Some of the legendary cars are gone and new legends are made. And even some has returned.

For the first time in many years I purchased the famous Performance Magazine and for me personally I was really disappointed. The magazine that I have come to love has lost a little of its touch. It seems they have lost touch with their roots. And is concentrating a bit much on the guys that has money to spend on cars and forgetting a bit about the normal guys building bad ass cars in their garages and back yards.

Well join me in my journey to catch up on the News and Views,


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